Tuesday, June 1, 2010

God Is Standing For Me I Samuel 7:5

5Then Samuel told them, "Come to Mizpah, all of you, and I will pray to the Lord for you."

Israel had been defeated and the Philistines had taken the Arc of the Covenant captive and the Israelites felt as if God had forsaken them. The Arc of the Covenant was in captivity for 20 years. Samuel called the people of Israel together and told them, "If you are really serious about wanting to return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods and your Ashtaroth idols. Determine to obey only the Lord; then he will rescue you from the Philistines." The people came to Samuel and repented and stood before the Lord for His deliverance. 5Then Samuel told them, "Come to Mizpah, all of you, and I will pray to the Lord for you."

While the people were gathered together, the Philistines heard of the gathering and came to attack them. The Israelis were badly frightened when they learned that the Philistines were approaching. 8"Plead with God to save us!" they begged Samuel."

Samuel prayed and offered a sacrifice to God and the Bible tells us that God intervened and confused the Philistine army and the Israelites were able to defeat them and the Philistines were subdued and didn't invade Israel again at that time because the Lord was against them throughout the remainder of Samuel's lifetime.

God is still the same God today that He was back in the Old Testament. He knows what we are facing and He holds the solution in His hand. He is not taken by surprise nor is He ever confused searching for a solution to our situation. What God is looking for is a life that is willing to surrender itself to Him so that He can fight our battles and the whole world know that He is in charge and on our side!

When the enemy realizes that we are in God's hands and that He is fighting our battles, they will leave us alone! When we step away from God's guiding and guarding hand, we had better watch out but as long as we are His, we can know that He is ours and He will deliver us in every situation that we will ever face.

We need to do as the Israelites did; we need to acknowledge our need, come to God in prayer and then when His hand of deliverance comes, we need to continue to stand with Him! When we stand with God, He is more than willing to stand with us and even for us! I am so glad He does!

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