Monday, May 31, 2010

Wait on the Lord Psalm 27:14

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.

David is one of the most blessed men in history. He has experienced so much on his rise to become king of Israel. To put everything in its proper perspective, Israel is God's chosen nation. David is God's chosen leader for His chosen nation and this is God's chosen time to elevate Israel to its highest place in recorded history so far. David is one of the most celebrated figures in recorded history up until the time of Christ. Jesus Himself is of the lineage and house of David.

The reason that David was able to rise to the place of prominence that he had is found in our passage for today. Saul was anointed the first kind of Israel. He could have enjoyed prosperity and peace in his life but he did not and God chose to replace him with David long before David became king and Saul knew that David would eventually replace him. What was the difference in these two men? What made David so special?

David learned to "wait on the Lord." As David waited on the Lord, he found the courage that he needed to withstand the storms of life that came his way. As David learned to wait on the Lord, he found the strength that he needed to live his life to its fullest. Strength and courage do not come from experience as we sometimes think; real strength and courage come from the Lord. All of our efforts outside waiting on the Lord give us a false sense of security. For God is able to do things for us that we cannot do for ourselves.

There is a hidden nugget in this passage of scripture. Courage and strength come when we wait on the Lord both before and after our ordeal! Notice that courage and strength are sandwiched between the admonitions to "wait on the Lord" Here is the real nugget that we need to understand in this scripture.

As we learn to wait on the Lord, we begin to receive courage and strength, which comes from the Lord and what do we do in way too many cases? When we begin to se light a the end of the tunnel, we take off and take charge of things on our own and we think, "Finally, I have things under control" and we end up in a mess that worse than what we started with!

We must learn to wait on the Lord and experience His courage and His strength and then we really need to wait on the Lord to make sure we head in the right direction so that His victory will take care of the rest of the problems that only God is able to see that lie ahead. We need to learn to wait on the Lord in all things and let Him be our guide in every situation that we find ourselves in and that my friend will make life really worth the living!

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