Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stand Against Sin Romans 6:14

Sin shall not have dominion over you.

Paul tells us to present ourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law but under grace. As a child of God, we have God's assurance that we can stand against temptation. The question is, will we take this help and stand against the temptation that faces us with every decision that we make.

Paul talks about God's grace as opposed to the Law. The law, which is what the Jews placed their faith in could only point out their fault and failure. It is impossible for us to work out our own salvation or righteousness through the Law. It is God's grace that saves us and it is that same grace that can give us the strength that we need to withstand temptation because sin no longer has dominion over us.

As you and I face temptation, we can hold onto God's grace and find the help that we need to stand against temptation. The Holy Spirit works in us as God's children to lead us and guide us to stand against temptation. When temptation whispers in one ear, the Holy Spirit whispers in the other ear to help us make decisions that will put self aside and let the strength of the Lord lead us and guide us in the direction that the Lord would have us go. Prayer is the means by which the Holy Spirit leads us from temptation and to God's blessing.

You and I need to remind ourselves that we are no longer slaves to sin; sin no longer has dominion over us. When temptation whispers in our ear, we need to remember "greater is He that is in us that He that is in the world." We need to remember that God has our best interests at heart and He has plans to bless us if we will just allow Him to do so. When temptation raises it ugly head, we need to remember that God's best might be right around the next corner and how we handle the temptation may have a lot to do with God's ability to meet our need and fight our battles.

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