Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Acceptable in Your Sight Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.

Here is one of David's great prayers. David was a man who is described as a "man after God's own heart." He wanted God to be pleased with his life. He wanted to make decisions that brought honor and glory to God. David knew that the secret to God's blessings was in his own thoughts. Most of God's promises to us are dependent on our response to Him. David knew that and he wanted the best that God had for him and he knew that what he did and what he said had so much to do with God's ability to meet his need and bless him as only God could do.

Jesus told His disciples that what went into ones mouth did not defile them but rather the things that came out of the mouth because what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart and if the heart is wicked or looks to the world for its comfort, that is what defiles a man's life. (Matthew 15:18-20)

David wanted God's thoughts to be his thoughts. He knew that his actions and the things that he said were a great indicator of where his heart was. The things that we say and the things that we do are like a temperature gauge on our cars. As the temperature goes up, it can be an indication that there is a problem. The problem that most of us have in our lives is we have a warning light on the dash and when that light comes on, most of the time it is too late; our lives are already overheated!

David wanted to keep a check on his life. He wanted the words that he spoke and the things that he thought to be pleasing to God because that meant God's presence and His power and His promises would dictate and direct his life. More than anything else, David wanted his life to be all that God wanted it to be. He wanted his life to be pleasing to God.

You and I can have that same attitude. We can develop a heart after God. All we have to do is repeat this prayer over and over again during the coarse of the day and listen to what God says to us. We can begin to ask God for wisdom to know what to do and then ask Him for the power to do what He directs us to do. God's blessings are worth the effort in our lives. There is nothing that can begin to compare with the provisions that He has in store for your life and mine. Ask God to examine your heart and your thoughts and the things that you say and the decisions that you make. Pay attention to your thoughts and the things that you say. Treat those thoughts as a temperature gauge into your heart to make sure that you do not overheat! God will bless you as you seek to please Him in all that you do!

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.

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