Sunday, August 8, 2010

Your Heart Will Follow Matthew 6:21

21"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Here is a very familiar passage of scripture for most of us. This comes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Here Jesus tells His disciples that they are not to be as concerned about earthly treasures because they can be destroyed from the inside (the moth damage) and they can also be destroyed from the outside (the rust). What does not get eaten up or rusted away can be stolen! As I have lived and labored I have learned a lot about this lesson already!

"Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." Well, that we all know is good advice.

What I want to look at today is verse 21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." If you watch the money flow, you will be able to see where a person's priorities are. Take a look at a persons' pocketbook or check book or credit card statement and you will find out what that person thinks is important.

Jesus wants us to understand the importance of placing our priorities in things that are eternal as opposed to things that are physical. If my focus is on earthly treasures, my heart will follow and the day will come when the earth and the things of the earth shall pass away. If my focus is on things that are eternal, my heart will follow and the treasures that are stored up in heaven will be there for me forever.

The purpose of this life is to get our soul to heaven. What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? When we as Christians invest our time, talents and tithes in God, we place our heart in His Hands! When we invest our lives in the things of Heaven, we place our heart in a fund that will pay tremendous dividends that will last forever!

In heaven you wont have to worry about moths or inflation; you wont have to worry about rust or devaluation and you wont have to worry about robbers or taxation!

Ain't God Good!

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